

I am a multimedia artist who works with a variety of media, including sounds, electronics and visuals. My preferred medium is sculptures and installations that allow for interaction with the viewer. In my creative process, I embrace mistakes and work with a sense of freedom, using the tools and materials available to me as limitations to inspire my work. My work and flow can vary depending on the media and project, and I often incorporate found/discarded objects and materials into my pieces. I am interested in creating feedback loops and immersive experiences for the viewer, through sound, light and motion.

modular video synthesizer


Some projects that i made can be seen here.

Other stuff

An interview of me by Acticulate Magazine can be read on their website:

VJ performances:


Outputfestival 1, 5 & 6

Three exhibitions spread out over two years. Light sculptures, sound installations and electronic musical instruments.


Cykelbanen, Kunst i Øjenhøjde

June, 2017
Exhibition of interactive sculpture

Udstilling på Pier1

April, 2014
Exhibition of mixed media works at Pier1 (Aarhus Harbor)