Noise Toolbox
This is a modular synthesizer build with focus on noise music or non-musical purpose. Using different effects, filters distortion etc. weird noise can be generated through feedback loops or external input.
The unit contains the following modules:
- 3 delay modules
- 3 distortion/wavefolds
- 2 tone controls
- 1 dual equalizer
- 1 3×3 matrix mixer
- 1 oscilator/LFO
- 1 VCO module
- 1 external instrument input
- 1 digital noise module
- 2 resonance filters
- 2 mults
- 2 mixes
- 1 mixer for output
Triangle VCO using not potentiometers. change C1 to change the frequency range. More or less based on MusicThings’ mikrophone module: Filter sounding thing. Can start self-oscillating. The filter potentiometer can be replaced with CV.
Technical scheatmics can be found HEREWeird wave-folding and distorting board. Pure we delay. simplistic. using as few components as possible. Q2 and R4 can be left out, if time CV is not wanted. R5 can be left out if feedback is not wanted.
technical scehatmics can be found HERE
If you have any questions about the schematics or other things, please feel free to contact me at