This project combined two objectives. The first was to create an ATtiny85-based sampler that plays small random sections of a chirp sample, designed for use in a modular system. This is useful for rhythmic synth percussion or sound effects. The second part of the project involved designing a PCB that accommodates all components on one …
Author Archives: Simon
SPOT Festival 2023 – Kaelertag
I performed as Vj (Video Jockey) for electro-punk band, Kælertag, at Klubscenen, during SPOT Festival, Aarhus. The 6th of May 2023.
Undervolting Casio SA-20
I have experimented with the Casio SA-20, by reducing the power-supply voltage from 7.5V down to 4.1V. at this voltage the instrument starts to sound strange and become very glitcy. The keyboard makes random noises in a way that seems like internal datalines are being filled with errors resulting in wrong serial messages, hence the …
Output Festival 5
I performed as VJ (Video Jockey) at Output Festival 5, held at Rå-Hal – Godsbanen, Aarhus. 22-23 of October 2021. I also exhibited a couple of artworks as well.
Flickering Container
This artwork is a old wooden, golden frame. I replaced the glass with chicken fence and plastic. The plastic has been heated so it is slightly melted. Underneath the plastic is mounted leaves on boards with LEDs underneath. The LEDs under the leaves glows in different colours while LEDs underneath the mounted leaves flicker on …
ATtiny85 envelope module
Decay-envelope-module based on a single ATTiny85 microcontroller with multiple outputs based on triggering. Features: SOURCECODE
Clock multiplier
This is a clock multiplier made for musical purpose, such as synthesizer/modular-systems or other things that would send out or receive 5v pulses. The current code is written for a ATTiny85, but should work fine on any Arduino etc. The program measures the time between each pulse input, and outputs a repeating pulse with an …
TimeStep Sequencer
This is a sequencer made for controlling modular systems. It has 8 knobs controlling the time/length of each step and 8 knobs controlling the CV output for each step, generating interesting rhythmic patterns. The sequencer has a random mode, start/stop, two time-multipliers and a slide switch. The sequencer is based on a teensy 2.0 source …
Noise Toolbox
This is a modular synthesizer build with focus on noise music or non-musical purpose. Using different effects, filters distortion etc. weird noise can be generated through feedback loops or external input. Overview The unit contains the following modules: 3 delay modules 3 distortion/wavefolds 2 tone controls 1 dual equalizer 1 3×3 matrix mixer 1 oscilator/LFO …
4 Voice drone-machine
4 Voice drone-machine This is a drone machine consisting of four identical oscillators. Each oscillator can be tuned by two potentiometer; course and fine. A patch-bay on the instrument are used to cross modulate the different oscillators, through frequency divisions. The machine also have a tone-control and volume control for controlling the output. Schematics The …